Daniel Brühl-搜索结果

  • 告别校园 Schule (2000)


    导演:Marco Petry   编剧:

    主演:Daniel Brühl, Jasmin Schwiers, Niels-Bruno Schmidt

      The last three weeks of school life have begun: After the Abitur, Germany's leaving certificate, the friends and schoolmates of Gymnasium Kerkheim (Kerkheim High) will not see each other again so soon. It is a hard time for Markus and his girl Sandra from a lower grade, as he wants to hang out with his old friends, whereas she wants him to be there for her. It's an even harder ...

  • 变形记 Metamorphosis


    导演:Limor Diamant   编剧:Limor Diamant, Franz Kafka

    主演:Daniel Brühl

  • 为时不远 Die kommenden Tage

    类型:剧情, 科幻

    导演:Lars Kraume   编剧:

    主演:August Diehl, Daniel Brühl, Johanna Wokalek, Bernadette Heerwagen, Susanne Lothar


  • 白声 Das weiße Rauschen


    导演:汉斯·魏因加特纳   编剧:

    主演:Daniel Brühl, Anabelle Lachatte, Patrick Joswig

      雲格拿的第一部,遊戲、實驗、理想,甚至幻想,都是導演第一部的專利。這裏有個更詩意,完全自我的雲格拿。鄉下仔入城,投靠頹廢癲家姐,吸膠隊草無日無之。猴擒去追女仔,卻遇上人生最丟臉的滑鐵盧。生活無定向,忘情食毒菇,食出了個第二空間的生命,終日跟白色的聲音周旋 (專家名之精神分裂;看,雲格拿也在反建制命名)。做自己還是做人,本來就是生命的抉擇。有這個奸樣型仔丹尼布魯 (《快樂的謊言》、《大教育家》),原來發現電影會繞着一個人轉。